The human ego is annoying~~that’s its very nature. It irritates you because it creates friction as it attempts to dissuade you from love. This ripple in the energy field is unpleasant.
You will always be troubled if you pay attention to other people’s egos, because you will only notice the darkness and shadows. This focus leads to fears that goodness is a myth and you’re alone and unloved. The only way out of this abyss is to view yourself and others through God eyes. What you concentrate on is what you’ll see, which is what you’ll encounter.
If you would like to experience a greater sense of love and feel more secure about yourself, then look past the ego. See beneath the annoying traits to the place where love and light reside within each person. Steadily gazing at this treasure chest within every individual will uncover a peacefulness that you would long forgotten about. ~~Doreen Virtue~~